Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Re: Extension of Stay Tourist Visa 2018/8/31 02:33
Is there any reason you have been granted only 15 days? As a European citizen, when I go on holidays, I enter the country, get my stamp, and the maximum days in Japan allowed is always 90 days. I'm thinking it's strange it would be this different for someone from the Phillipines.

In any case I'm afraid the others in this thread are correct :c
by Kinlyu rate this post as useful

Re: Extension of Stay Tourist Visa 2018/8/31 05:34
@Kinlyu, The Philippines is not a visa-exempt country like Belgium. A Philippine citizen cannot just show up at a Japanese entry point and expect to be given a "temporary visitor" stamp. They must apply for a visa.
by John B digs Japan rate this post as useful

Re: Extension of Stay Tourist Visa 2018/8/31 11:09
You are not asked to rebook a flight, just to change dates which shouldn't cost that much, only LCC is not possible to change, as many has said, you are willing to stay, but be prepared to accept the consequence.
by kms899 rate this post as useful

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