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Re: What are ways to do high school in Japan? 2023/7/9 09:26
Thank you @bbbbb
I am ethnically Japanese but legally I have everything Canadian which makes it more complicated.
My family who lived in Japan also moved to Canada a while ago, so i dont have any guardian there anymore.
I want to live there rather than be an exchange and return, but to start living there permanently and start from this.
What can I do other than exchange?
To move there with family is the best option right ? but also can my parents move and come back to Japan and do back and forth too?

by mina22watanabe rate this post as useful

Re: What are ways to do high school in Japan? 2023/7/9 10:53
Your parents would have all the answers needed for them and yourself to move to Japan. No need to asks internet strangers this.

Honestly it is best your just stop. Your stories and personal details have changed and evolved over your past 7-8 threads of questions. And they seem to change when a narrative doesn't suit your liking.
by OMG STOP (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: What are ways to do high school in Japan? 2023/7/9 13:09
I'm so sorry to say this, but if the story you've told ever is 100% true, your parents look irresponsible and uncooperative to your dream in spite of your advantage (legally not but ethnically Japanese). As others doubted already, actually they may not be going to support you to go to Japan right now.
In the law in Japan, (and probably in the law in Canada, too) you, a minor, cannot do anything basically in the field of immigration no matter how you desire it. It's not you but your parents who need to do all procedures required for it.
For example, you minor need a legal guardian in Japan, but have your parents tried to find anyone who can be that instead of themselves? You need to find a school which surely accept your entrance (with entrance exam) and its permission in advance, but have they even tried to make contact with any possible school or any study abroad agency? Without these requirements, the law never lets any oversea minors like you apply visa. (Actually there are much more requirements you need for visa application. Please google it by yourself) But think again, have your parents done anything to resolve those problems, other than "agreement"?
Just being told "Okay, you can go, go ahead" means nothing for getting Japanese visa. It's totally different from asking your parents to let you go a shopping mall nearby or anywhere alone.
As another one has mentioned, an agreement only between them and yourself is just meaningless from the legal point of view.

Just agreeing but doing nothing for their minor daughter at all: Their attitude is probably one of the answer why your dream will never come true in current situation. So, many in here recommend you to wait until you get matured legally.
by Stip (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: What are ways to do high school in Japan? 2023/7/10 14:24
Hi Mina.

We've all told you MANY times on this forum of the things you could do to live in Japan, but it seems you are trying to disregard what people are telling you and always trying to find a different way to live out your dream. You're still a minor, which means that you're at the mercy of the laws of any country in the world, which make things that much harder, because you're in fact, a minor. It doesn't matter how much you want something. At the end of the day, you need to mature and to see how life works before you can make life-changing decisions of what you want to do.

It may sound "harsh" or "unfair" to you, but think about how selfish it sounds that you are just trying to get your parents to live back in Japan all for YOUR benefit and not theirs. Don't you think that's selfish to do? You say that your parents are fine with you going to Japan, but if they really want to go through all of the process of going there with you so that you can live there, they would have done so. You have to think about their financial means, their wants and needs as well, not just your own.

As I've mentioned to you before, which it seems you completely disregarded what I've said and just keep asking other people of how you can get to Japan, it's not the right timing for you right now. That's not a bad thing either and we're not trying to disappoint you, but this is the reality of life. There are processes and ways to do things and sometimes you just can't get what you want, when you want it. You're not going to miss out on life if you don't come to Japan before you're considered an adult, please trust me on that.

I never got your reply as to WHY you want to come to Japans so badly and why you believe it would change your situation, but I'll say this again, Japan isn't some magical place where it will fix all of your problems. Work/school is very, very competitive and stressful. Japan is a society of "group society" and all working towards making everyone else happy (Which is kind of ironic that a lot of people aren't personally happy) by this mentality. America/Canada are much more individualistic, which is also great too, but with the way you speak, it's honestly very selfish of the things you want.

Please respect what your family decides for you as they are the ones who care for your well-being. Good luck to you and just wait, you'll get to Japan in the future.
by Tom (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: What are ways to do high school in Japan? 2023/7/14 11:49
Hi Mina,

You should really listen to everyone's advice here....seriously! As a young adult a few years older than you, I know what your feeling. You probably don't enjoy some aspects of your life and you see Japan as the escape from your problems. I was in your shoes a few years back, and also wouldn't take no for an answer when it came to moving to Japan. Unfortunately as bad as it is to hear from all of these adults that your goals are unrealistic, it is reality. Like, wait a few years and move to Japan at 18. By the sounds of it you have enough time to work part time and save up to move to Japan so do that fr. Also do not ask your parents about sending you to Japan anymore, they're beating around the bush until you get the message. They're not going to set you up to live in Japan, so show some maturity and work towards moving there! Again, I grew up in Canada, ik it sucks here, but the last 2 years of hs are gonna fly by for you and Uni is when all the fun begins anyway, and that is something you can work towards. Good luck!
by Sam (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: What are ways to do high school in Japan? 2023/7/23 17:20
I'm writing this under the assumption that her parents really and wholeheartedly agree with her about her dream of studying in a Japanese high school on a student visa. (I personally don't think her story is very trustworthy considering her family's background and due to inconsistencies between her past and recent posts, but for now.)

I am concerned about whether the poster's parents are making progress with her visa application. Japanese immigration will assess the eligibility of the legal guardian. And it is not common for many high schools in Japan to accept foreign students outside of exchange programs, while her parents still need to secure admission to a high school for her. These steps can be time-consuming, potentially taking several months or even up to a year. Based on her past posts, however, it seems that they have made almost no progress so far and are still wondering how to proceed.

While few schools may accept 12th-grade students from foreign countries, the poster is already 16. Time might run out before she and her parents can prepare and apply for a visa if the procedure does not go smoothly. At least, her dream to spend time as an 11th-grade student seems to be becoming more and more impossible unfortunately.

To the OP: Please ask your parents to do all things in hurry. Your time is much more limited than you have imagined because applying visa for a minor is so difficult, time-consuming and troublesome. If you can't, you need to amend your dream and change a strategy like other posters around you have recommended you dozens times.
by Stip (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: What are ways to do high school in Japan? 2023/10/8 12:37
OP seems to have withdrawn from the forum. Clicked her name but it only shows "No user was found." I wished we could hear how her plan would be in progress
by /// (guest) rate this post as useful

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