Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Note that this thread has not been updated in a long time, and its content might not be up-to-date anymore.

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.. 2007/11/2 09:27
Thanks AK for explaining the term . I am just wondering how I should reply to another company which I also send my inquiry about buying stuff outside Japan. The person mentioned to ask a friend of mine in Japan to buy for me. However, I do not have any available... Wish to ask them if there is any alternative available?..
by Robert rate this post as useful

Remittance made... 2007/11/3 09:02

I made my remittance today.. Wondering if I should write like this:


In English:

I have made the remittance today since it is Friday here. It will take 2-5 business days for the transfer to complete.
by CJ rate this post as useful

A suggestion 2007/11/3 11:06
I made my remittance today (Friday our time). It should reach your account within two to five business days.

受信 is for receiving correspondence (including letters, e-mails, fax, etc.)
by AK rate this post as useful

To Robert, 2007/11/3 11:10
To Robert,
If a seller in Japan says ask a friend in Japan, that means they have no other way that they can offer.... I remember someone mentioning an on-behalf shopping agency service *somewhere* on this forum (not on this thread) before... I hope someone spots this thread and bring it up again.... I will post again if I find that thread :)
by AK rate this post as useful

... 2007/11/3 17:43
by Robert rate this post as useful

... 2007/11/3 18:05
Received the followign respond :)





I guess it means Thank you for sending the payment. The company wish to confirm the receive of money before dispatch the product. Also, it seems to say that I am the first oversea customer to use their font product and thank me for the extreme interest in their product. They hope that I will continue to support their product whenever new products release?....

Just a guess.
by CJ rate this post as useful

CJ, 2007/11/3 20:14
It sounds quite nice and friendly; following is the full translation.

度々のご足労おそれ入ります。 また、ご送金いただきありがとうございます。
Thank you for taking the trouble again and again. And thank you for making the remittance.

Just to be sure, we would like to dispatch the product after confirming that the payment has reached us, and we will write to again at that time.

In fact, you are our very first, memorable, customer, both inside and outside Japan ("globally" is what they mean). I cannot even imagine how Japanese language fonts would be used outside Japan, but I truly appreciate your purchase.

Thank you very much for choosing Seiwa-do font. I look forward to continuing relationship with you in the future.
by AK rate this post as useful

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