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... 2010/4/1 14:25

What you view as immature, I view as calculated.

The culture you consider childish is a multi-billion dollar industry in Japan, and that industry is highly influenced by these so-called immature, childish girls.

Japan is not cut off from the rest of the world and Japanese women are much more aware of foreign culture than their US counterparts.

Yes, Japanese business culture is still male-driven and opportunities for women are still not equal, but the choices for women in business today are far greater than they were 10 years ago and the gap between Japanese and US women in this area is not as great as some believe.

I guess my question to you is, what would you have young women be?
In Japan, women travel more, study abroad more, speak better English, eat better, live longer, control the consumer economy, and often dictate household finances.

Cultural pressure towards cute may be great, but career/life choices are vast.
IMO, Japanese women have more life choices than American women.
by kyototrans rate this post as useful

ehh? 2010/4/1 18:15
Kyototrans, I'd say that is very much a minority viewpoint! Yes, Japanese women are in control of certain areas, but May makes a valid point.
by Tilt (guest) rate this post as useful

Off-topic? 2010/4/1 19:23
I agree with Kyototrans on the Japanese-women-over-twenty issue. What does May know if he hasn't been reading Japanese women's internet posts on employment, and how mature are some of the young American female adults who have been posting on this very Forum. But all this has very little to do with the OP's question.
by Uco (guest) rate this post as useful

... 2010/4/1 21:19

I just think people need to let go of these images of Japanese women as frail, mindless, or disadvantaged.

It's inaccurate and condescending, and I think those views do influence the opinions of people looking to know about the Japan they don't see on TV or read about.

I too have lived in Japan for over 15 years and while I agree this imagery dominates mass media, it in no way paints a complete picture.

What people do is place their values about the culture and society. By doing that, you miss the point of being in a foreign country altogether.

To call the majority of Japanese females in their 20's immature, culturally empty, and careless to anything but style and cuteness... wow...

by kyototrans rate this post as useful

of course 2010/4/1 21:50
It is certainly headed off topic if not already there, and gender issues are very multi-layered, no direct comparison can truly be made. But you post is not readily understandable, Uco, and that is unusual for you.
by Tilt (guest) rate this post as useful

. 2010/4/1 23:26
Lets' just say both immature girls/boys and intelligent and level headed ones do exsist in Japan, like any countries. And that's one thing Jean should keep in mind.
by Ikuyo Kuruyo (guest) rate this post as useful

? 2010/4/1 23:38
Tilt wrote;
"you post is not readily understandable, Uco"

It isn't? That never occured to me. If I should break it down in order to stay on-topic, please just say so and I'll be back.
by Uco (guest) rate this post as useful

I got it 2010/4/2 02:07
It is possible I read it in a rush, but after rereading it , I understood you were referring to some of the posters on various threads in this forum. I think some of them are actually teenagers.

by Tilt (guest) rate this post as useful

Read me again 2010/4/2 08:32
What does May know if he hasn't been reading Japanese women's internet posts on employment, and how mature are some of the young American female adults who have been posting on this very Forum.

Did you read my post? I have over 15 years' direct educational (and life) experience of dealing with teens. That's long time enough to grasp the difference in values I'm talking about. If you see it differently, I'm wondering where on earth you live in Japan...

And I say again - how many Western graduate-age females do you think would find it (still) OK to list as burning ambitions: going to Disneyland for the 20th time, getting another Puri Kura, or, more frightening, job-seeking based on the best cute uniform?

Really, I can't believe that some posters here are seriously arguing against the comparative immaturity of young females in Japan.

And by the way, that's not to say that sometimes it's not charming, but to get back to the OP's point, it would clearly be wise to consider carefully the pros and cons of raising a child in such a socio-cultural environment.

Personally, if the best life ambition my 20-22 year old daughter could manage was to visit Disneyland again, I'd feel 'disappointed'.

Call me picky if you want...
by May (guest) rate this post as useful

... 2010/4/2 08:56
if the best life ambition my 20-22 year old daughter could manage was to visit Disneyland again, I'd feel 'disappointed'.

I hope you are not suggesting that such is the average Japanese woman's life ambition at age 20.
by Uji rate this post as useful

seems so 2010/4/2 09:18
Yes, Uji, it seems she seems to have encountered a lot of them.

May, are your students representative of a wide sample or is it a restrictive group?
by Tilt (guest) rate this post as useful

TDL 2010/4/2 09:40
I am now even sure I disagree with May, but I'm not going to comment on that as it would be too off-topic. But I can say that in both Japan and U.S., there is a fair share of people whose best ambitions are to go to Disneyland and those who can't imagine being like that.

And on-topic, I can say that Tokyo Disneyland is considered the ultimate paradise for a mother raising a child in Japan. They're extremely supportive in many ways and their service is even better than the one in Orange County.
by Uco (guest) rate this post as useful

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