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Re: Veganism in Japan? 2012/4/28 09:55
Wow, Tokushima must be one big fish market! The rest of the country is a little more subdued and we generally don't hang lines of sea creatures all about town ;)

Actually I have been to lots of places including Kyoto, Osaka, West Coast of Japan, Takamatsu, Kobe, Nara and other places in Japan and see dead sea animals EVERYWHERE no matter which city I go to, so your `smart a` remark is not funny. Seafood is a HUGE part of Japan so its unavoidable just like Elle said. There are stalls even in parks and temples selling squid on a stick and other seafoods. I think India would be a more suited place for a vegan like someone else said.
by gardenia123 rate this post as useful

Re: Veganism in Japan? 2012/4/28 10:19
I'm sure the OP is quite aware of the issues or they would not have asked the question in the first place, but rather assumed all would be perfect. Being condescending and telling him/her to go to India instead is neither helpful nor welcoming.
by .. (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Veganism in Japan? 2012/4/28 10:22
I am not telling them to go to India, I am just warning and suggesting it might be more suiting because some people get sick at just the sight of dead animals. And some people are not aware of everything about Japan, especially if they do not live in Japan.
by gardenia123 rate this post as useful

Re: Veganism in Japan? 2012/4/28 13:11
And some people are not aware of everything about Japan, especially if they do not live in Japan.

Which is precisely why we felt the need to temper such hyperbolic statements as yours.

Actually I have been to lots of places including Kyoto, Osaka, West Coast of Japan, Takamatsu, Kobe, Nara and other places in Japan and see dead sea animals EVERYWHERE no matter which city I go to, so your `smart a` remark is not funny. Seafood is a HUGE part of Japan so its unavoidable just like Elle said. There are stalls even in parks and temples selling squid on a stick and other seafoods. I think India would be a more suited place for a vegan like someone else said.

First, you take yourself too seriously . And second, you're still missing the point. Yes, you can expect to see dead animals at places that DEAL WITH FOOD. That means conbini, super markets, restaurants, food vendors, street stalls, etc.

Yes, these places are easy to find and easy to avoid. Vegans are used to this. They don't have hysterical breakdowns every time they pass a McDonalds.

Anyway, the question is how to avoid eating meat, not seeing meat. So I'll agree with you that fish and seafood are everywhere. Because they are. And vegans already know that. So my advice to vegans who will inevitably encounter said fish, and seafood while walking the streets:

Don't eat it. Its meat.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

Re: Veganism in Japan? 2012/4/28 15:46
If Happy Sam is still around - I think we've strayed from the original question about food labels, see the website it has detailed photos & translations of what you will see on Japanese food labels.
Do you know exactly where you will be staying? Maybe people can recommend local vegan places nearby if they know the area.
by Elle (guest) rate this post as useful

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