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Re: Yokohama Navy Exchange was where? 2017/3/14 03:14
Working at Center Pier one day someone asked..
Hey whats this place Kamisaya..?

The Sargent looked up from his desk and told us in veiled uncertain terms...

Its a radio repair facility.

From that moment we all knew that it was more than that, and the radio repair was a cover but they couldnt even tell us it was a cover. Accordingly we played along.

Then came the Pubilo incident.
by Peter (guest) rate this post as useful

Grit 2017/3/16 00:23
I didn't go to Yokosuka until 1975.

But the fire chief there, Virg Slater had been in Yokosuka since 1950.

He told me that the base at Kamesaya was called Totsuka and they had a fire there in 1965. The base eventually moved to the caves in Yokosuka. My boys best friend was Ronnie Withoff. His dad was a Captain in the Navy who commanded the Comm center. Earlier Reggie was a Navy pilot who was one of the original instructors at the Top Gun school in Miramar.

The story Virg told me was more or less as follows:

The Admiral who was COMNAVFORJAPAN told the base at Kamisaye that Naval instructions required that the fire department inspect every three months. The Communication Admiral said no, the base secret. They fought over that for years with no conclusion.

During that time the personnel in charge took advantage. They welded all the doors except the front shut. Also they shut off the sprinkler system claiming it wasn't compatible with secret material. (neither is fire, but they never thought of that.)

After the fire, even the Comm Admiral had to agree to the inspections.

Whenever I inspected the Comm Center they had to cover up. I had a Top Secret clearance, but that wasn't enough for the Comm Center. You had to have a Q clearance to get in there without them covering up.
by Dick Olson (guest) rate this post as useful

KAORU 2017/3/16 08:31
The article you posted concerning Mabori Kiagan was very interesting. But I am not sure if it relates to the place we lived until receiving base housing.

My spelling is not so good. The Mabori Kaigan we lived at was about 2 miles South of the base at Yokosuka. Quite a few Americans lived there and also mostly Japanese. The houses were pretty new in 1975. Most were less than 5 years old.

The Commander of the destroyer that took the Pueblo's place in spying on North Korea lived there. He could have had base housing but chose instead to live in a Japanese house so his little girls could go to a Japanese school.

They learned to speak perfect Japanese and at his change of command he had one of his daughters read his address in Japanese. The mayor of the city of Yokosuka and the governor of the prefecture were in attendance and were highly impressed.
by Dick Olson (guest) rate this post as useful

MSTS ships 2017/4/6 00:10
Back in the 1950s and 60s, military-connected families traveled workld wide via MSTS ships.
Are they all scrapped?

by Eric (guest) rate this post as useful

MSTS Ships 2017/4/10 14:29
They were Army ships named after generals, AP-110 to AP-159, listed here along with their dates of service:
I sailed to Yokohama on the Gen Mitchell in 1952 as a dependent and back to San Francisco on the Gen Anderson in 1554.
I sailed from San Diego to Yokosuka in 1964 as a Marine Sergeant, quite a different experience from my trip as an Army Brat.
by Dave-san (guest) rate this post as useful

back again 2017/4/10 23:14
Researching something else, I was suddenly reminded of this thread. For the past couple of days, I have been reading all the posts left since I was last year, possibly as much as a year ago. Interesting to catch up with the stalwarts, Steffi, Peter, Eric, and all. I also looked at a number of Kaoru's marvelous links, and enjoyed them as always. It's been over fifty years now since I lived in Japan, and it still enters my dreams occasionally. I think if I were to return, everything would be so different that it would be unrecognizable. I haven't had any success orienting myself on Google Earth to Hayama. Even the roads are different now. I think my old neighborhood, many lovely Japanese style houses, has been replaced by concrete-appearing housing. I am sure the addresses have changed. (Mine was 1729 Isshiki.)
by wata geiru rate this post as useful

Re: Yokohama Navy Exchange was where? 2017/4/11 02:00
Hello wata gair-san

Thank you for your posting, I've been to Zushi Hayama and Yokosuka two times every weeks by my car.
I run route 134 and 16, 134 is seaside route. I was studied private boy's school in Zushi, then I had most happy days. I run their routes tonight and remember when I was kid. Isshiki has very nice beach.
by Kaoru (guest) rate this post as useful

New highways 2017/4/11 23:37
Whenever I look at the map of modern Yokohama, I'm amazed at how many new highways have been built since 1960. My old address, 91 Sannotani, can be found but Avenue D is long gone, along with the streetcars.
Regarding Dave's reply on MSTS, we made six back and forth trips on five different MSTS ships, the last one on the General W. A. Mann. On one of the two week trips, there was an Army combo that played jazz and other tunes in the big day room before and after Special Services ran a movie or TV serial.
On the last day aboard (I think it was the M.M. Patrick) the little band had a book of state songs and invited folks to sing. Two or three men from Texas stood up and tearfully sang the "Yellow Rose of Texas." My mom asked if they had the music to the Iowa Fight Song (from the University of Iowa) but they did have what was Iowa's official state song. Mom knew the words and literally brought the house down with the final line, "...that's where the tall corn grows."
by Eric (guest) rate this post as useful

Shuto expressway (not sure about the spelling) 2017/4/12 03:53
The Shuto was an expressway running through Yokohama and Tokyo.
There was an American businessman from Cleveland who would write in the newspaper Yomiuri Giant occasionally.
In one of his articles he talked about his insurance. As he was driving on the Shuto one night he ran out of gas. He meant to call his insurance agent, but accidentally got a wrong number and woke up a Japanese doctor. When he told him he was out of gas, the doctor went to a gas station and bought a can of gas and took it to him.
It's no wonder we loved Japanese people.
by Richard Olson (guest) rate this post as useful

Housing in Yokosuka 2017/4/13 09:26
The second time I was wounded in Korea I went to Yokosuka and spent over 7 weeks in ward D of the hospital there. The hospital was very large, it went from ward A to ward DD.

WHEN i went to Yokosuka 25 years later I drew a house across the street and on a hill overlooking the hospital. I could look out my living room window to ward D of the hospital.
by Richard Olson (guest) rate this post as useful

Navy hospital in Yokosuka 2017/4/15 23:21
My dad suffered a heart attack in 1960 just as plans were being made for the family to leave Japan. He was hospitalized for several weeks at the Navy hospital and one day asked the doctor if he would be allowed to smoke a cigarette.
The doctor said yes, just as soon as the oxygen tank was moved out of the hospital room.

They never did move the oxygen and by the time dad checked out, he had lost the desire to smoke...
by Eric (guest) rate this post as useful

Eric's Dad 2017/4/18 07:59
I guess that worked but it must have been hard.

I know I must have quit dozens of times before I was hypnotized and quit for good in 1988.
by Richard Olson (guest) rate this post as useful

Navy hospital in Yokosuka 2017/4/19 02:19
It was most likely a pack a day of Camels that put him in the hospital...
by Eric (guest) rate this post as useful

Question for Kaoru 2017/4/20 14:51
I would like to know if the houses have been removed from the Negishi Heights Navy Housing area. It was where I lived when my husband was stationed on USS Midway in the early 1980's. Thank you for any information you can give me.
by Lori (guest) rate this post as useful

Negishi Heights 2017/4/20 17:39
Hello Lori-san,

The 2 gates are closed by Negishi Heights housing area now. Most of famlies moved to modern buildings in Ikego Zushi. A few people seem to live in Negishi. They maintain facilities. I don't know when that Navy housing is broken, and it will be the near future.

When I was university student, I had a part time job of painting USS Midway. I was surprised the great carrier saw for the first time.
by Kaoru (guest) rate this post as useful

Negishi Heights Housing 2017/4/20 23:52
A page sponsored by "Japan Brats" reported that after 64 years, the Navy had "closed" Negishi Heights effective Jan 1, 2015, yet there are still families living there.
The housing area was originally a race track dating back to 1880 or so. It was built starting in 1947 by the Occupation forces. The gated entry was down past Yo-Hi and led uphill past a large church that burned sometime in the late 1950s.
I remember hearing about the fire and went over to see nearly every fire truck in Yokohama on the scene. Fire fighters had cleared the remains of the church interior and there were St. Christoper medals scattered on the parking area...
by Eric (guest) rate this post as useful

Negishi housing 2017/4/28 10:45
When I was in Yokosuka from 1975 to 78 the Japanese built housing at Yokosuka base. While I was there they built 3 towers + some other buildings. I'm sure the building continued long after I left. Also the building was at other locations too. As housing was replaced the Japanese government got back land for the housing it replaced.
by Richard Olson (guest) rate this post as useful

Thank you Kaoru 2017/4/28 23:06
Thank you for your response to my post. I don't know the route numbers--I am not sure the roads had route numbers 55 years ago. Our main road was the route from Zushi that ended near the beach by the imperial summer palace, where it met the beach road. Between Zushi and Hayama the road passed through two tunnels. Catching the bus at Zushi station that said "Hayama", the bus route followed this road. There was just beginning work on a highway that would go more directly to Yokosuka. Just before this highway reached the beach road, there was a mountain on the right side. I was very fond of this mountain. I wish I could remember its name.
by wata geiru rate this post as useful

Map of Hayama 2017/4/29 07:22
You're welcome, I mistook The route on the seafront in Hayama is 207. Japan is consecutive holidays from today, and Yokohama is sunny.,139.574481,16
by Kaoru (guest) rate this post as useful

Hayama-chou 2017/4/29 10:04
This link is Hayama official website in English.
by Kaoru (guest) rate this post as useful

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