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Re: Yokohama Navy Exchange was where? 2021/5/20 09:55
Eric: There is a very strong possibility that your father may have known my mother. Not that we can verify. But my mother worked as a secretary in the Army's engineering section in Yokohama in the early 1950s.
I remember Yamashita Park in front of the New Grand Hotel was a housing area for the U. S. Army. My classmate at St. Joseph College, Richard Tilley, who later transferred to Yo-Hi lived there. Now the Park has been restored with flower beds everywhere. The Hikawamaru passenger ship is docked there and has served as a floating hotel.
Hope to visit Yokohama in the fall.
by Honmokujin (guest) rate this post as useful

Zengakuren 2021/5/21 11:59
Yeah. Them Zengakuren protest went on all through the 60's. Their cry was always "Yankee go home!" We could've cared less about them. They never dared to enter any of the bases to riot though.
Sharing more memories:
Saint Joseph, where I went to school, used to make all the students sell raffle tickets at least once a year. We had to sell 5 books each - a book having 10 tickets for 100 yen a ticket. It was a real chore trying to get rid of them. I liked going to the Negishi housing area to sell those tickets. It was a really picturesque place with sloping hills and manicured lawns. I unloaded a lot of tickets there - mostly to the housewives who would stoop down to a little kid and call me "honey", and "sweetie", and "dear". They really made me feel so nice and warm. I'll never forget that feeling.
When I got a little older, I used to go to the NeetNac club and the football games at Kennick to see the girls. I used to hang out in front of Saint Joe's when school let out because the girls at Saint Maur's let out at the same time. Marjorie White was supposed to be the hottest girl at Saint Maur's. I met her once. She was cute alright. But so was Ann Lewis. I'd hang out at Motomachi with different friends and met her once through Ricky Arimoto. He was one guy who really got around and knew Ann Lewis. When I met her she was about my age - 14 or 15. She was wearing brown knee high boots, and a brown leather midi jacket. Her hair was long and silky and she was so pretty.
I really didn't want to come back to the States by then - I was practically raised in Japan. But then what choice did I have?
by Dan Jasso (guest) rate this post as useful

FEN 2021/5/21 20:38
I think FEN, Far East Network, was at 810 on the AM radio dial. The voice would warn "condition orange, condition red," etc to update listeners on Zengakuran troubles.

Yeah, I was raised there, too.

There was just one TV channel, carrying "dubbed" American TV programs. Marshall Dillion sounded a lot like Superman... a low gruff voice. The Perry Como show on Sunday evening was broadcast in English, probably because it was too much trouble to dub the singers. Once or twice a month, the channel would broadcast an American or UK movie in English. Seems like the town would shut down for the occasion.
by Eric (guest) rate this post as useful

FEN 2021/5/24 12:52
Does anybody remember the music the FEN DJ played when he ended his broadcast with the quip: "Smile at your neighbor and make him wonder what you're up to." It was a piano and horn instrumental. I still remember every note and have always liked it. Let me know if you know the title please. We used to listen to all the top 40 hits in the states as well as Dragnet and Johnny Carson on FEN.
As for TV, we watched the Andy Williams Show a lot. He featured the Osmond Brothers a lot and I feel like he gave them the exposure that launched them. We also watched Combat, The Green Hornet, Mannix , Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea, Honey West, The Thunderbirds (puppets), The Saint, The Man From Uncle, The Time Machine, and Lost In Space. I had a huge crush on Angela Cartwright who played Penny Robinson on Lost in Space. Looking back, she really was a doll back then.
Does anybody remember The Young Americans? They toured Japan back then and had a hit song which the sung in Japanese. Does anyone know the title of that song?
About the only things I have from those years are my Saint Joseph College yearbooks from 1967 through 1971 as well as the two honors I received as a good student.
I found the 1965 and 1967 Renown commercial jingle sung by Sylvie Vartan on Youtube, but I cannot find the FEN jingle by a DJ whose name I don't remember. I would sure like to know the title of that instrumental.
by Dan Jasso (guest) rate this post as useful

Far East Network 2021/5/24 21:44
I don't recall the songs but FEN truly was a "network."
There were at least two other "repeater" stations carrying the Tokyo broadcast.
At the hour and half hour point, the repeaters would identify their locations.
by Eric (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Yokohama Navy Exchange was where? 2021/6/4 01:11
The FEN had a program called The Balloon Farm. It tried to be hip but fell way short
but it was good for a laugh to see how they tried to appeal to the 'new generation''.
I think it was on Saturdays, not sure.
On a personal note, I am recovering from 3 strokes from last winter. Some diminishment but now I have a good excuse for my poor spelling.
by Peter (guest) rate this post as useful

Far East Network 2021/6/4 22:48
So, is FEN still on the air in Japan ?

by Eric (guest) rate this post as useful

AFN 2021/6/5 09:07
Yes, It seem changed to AFN American Forces Network in 1997s.
by Kaoru (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Yokohama Navy Exchange was where? 2021/6/28 07:12
Wow, Peter. Glad to hear you are doing well. Having three strokes is very serious. I find it sad but not surprising that it has been over 3 weeks and no one has commented on your condition. It is the reason I have not posted since the death of my Twin Brother 3 years ago. The lack of compassion in this group is obscene. And the perfunctory response of sentiment I received upon writing about my brotherfs death was a slap in the face. Advice telling me happy families do not exist, only in the movies and that the pain will subside, like that is supposed to make someone feel better?
Continue to heal, Peter.
I continue, but the pain never goes away.
by Louann (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Yokohama Navy Exchange was where? 2021/6/28 09:23

Thank you for your kind thoughts. Im ok but not great. Could be worse. Sometimes its hard for people to know what to say.
by Peter (guest) rate this post as useful

Music note 2021/6/29 03:34
Remember Jerry and the Pacemakers?
Just learned that all of the group
Now have pacemakers..including Jerry.
by Peter (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Yokohama Navy Exchange was where? 2021/6/29 09:04
Poor Gerry Marsden, lead singer of Gerry and the Pacemakers, died this past January 3, 2021, after a short illness related to a heart infection. He was 78.
by Louann (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Yokohama Navy Exchange was where? 2021/7/9 04:37
I was just reading a reliable expert researcher's interesting explanation about covid 19, and the vaccines.

I learned the following:

What do they mean when they say a vaccine is 95% effective?
They mean that out of 100 vaccinated people, 5 did not respond to the vaccine, and are not protected against the virus.
So, to put it another way, at least 1 out of 20 people you run into in restaurants, grocery stores, church or elsewhere who are behaving as if they have immunity after being vaccinated, do not actually have it.

Second, how about the varients, Delta and Delta +, which are now rapidly becoming dominant all over the US?
The vaccines give less protection against these varients.....the estimate is only about 85%. So, add this to the numbers of vaccinated but unprotected people around you.

Next, consider the area you are living in.
Is the percentage of vaccinated people in your town 70%? 50%? Or is it lower?

Once you consider these numbers, and do the math, you can make decisions about the risks you are willing to take, also taking into consideration any underlying health conditions you may have which might impact the effect of covid on you.

Approximately 5% of the U.S. population is estimated to have immune-suppressing health issues which would negatively impact immunity with the vaccines. For example, people who have kidney transplants, or other transplants, take anti-rejection meds which make the covid vaccine mostly ineffective. The same is true for people with cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and other conditions.

Many of those folks have NOT been warned by their doctors that they are not protected, vaccinated or not, which is a shame.

So, please look into your own situation, figure out the odds, and decide if continuing to wear masks, and distancing , especially from crowds of unmasked people, is a good thing for you to do, at least for now.

by Steffi (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Yokohama Navy Exchange was where? 2021/7/26 11:06
I stumbled upon this thread a few weeks ago. I know Area 2 of Negishi has been returned to the Japanese. How can I find if my home from 1959-1961 still stands? It was in Bayview area of Area 2...the only Japanese style home; overlooked Tokyo Bay. If it does not still exist, how can I find what is in its place? Thank you,
by Bett San (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Yokohama Navy Exchange was where? 2021/7/26 21:49
Hi Bett san,

Welcome to Japan Guide.
Yes, my parents lived in Negishi Heights for several years. It was early 1960s, I'm still a baby, so I don't recall Negishi at the time and unfortunately I don't know about the traditional Japanese home you lived in. The Honnmoku area has changed a lot since 80s returned to Japan. Perhaps the house where your family lived has been lost. Also, it will be difficult to find out the address now. I'm disappointed I cannot help you.

This web site is Negishi Heights, enjoy:
by Kaoru (guest) rate this post as useful

Olympics 2021/7/31 23:44
I hope some of us are enjoying the OLympics from Tokyo. Personally I like the womens beach volleyball [ you know what I mean guys].
Been thinking, maybe us old timers should have our own version of the olympics.
The first competition could be called " I've fallen and I cant get up !'' The next could be ..''so where did I leave my keys ? '', hmmm maybe Im on to something here.
by Peter (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Yokohama Navy Exchange was where? 2021/8/2 12:51
I just found this thread. I was looking for The Bill Chickering Theater in Yokohama. I lived there when I was 9-11. That would have been 66-68. My dad was stationed at Kishine Barracks. We live in some off base housing up on a hill about a mile from the small exchange. I remember there being a bowling ally on the end then a few shops a cafeteria , behind that was the bus stops to go to Yokuska. And Neet nac club ( for kids) Still in front there was the theater, PX and Commissary a beauty shop and some other stores I think a place where my dad got his taps put on his shoes. I know all that has changed now but it would be nice to hear from people who were there at that time. I have some good memory's from then. Riding the bus to Yokuska going skating and swimming all day by our selves. Hope to hear from someone who shares some of my memory's.
by Carol Sawyer (guest) rate this post as useful

Hey, Carol san: 2021/8/4 22:56
I remember all those places when they were still fairly new and run by the Army. The Navy took over sometime in 1959 and the PX became the BX. They took down the Bill Chickering name but later, put it back up for some reason. There was a fire station at one side, operated by Japanese fire fighters.

We lived across from the middle gate of Area 2 in the Sannotani neighborhood. Many of my playmates were Japanese kids.

Dad worked for the Army's JPA in Tokyo. JPA was the Japan Procurement Agency that bought things all over Asia for the Army and Air Force overseas. We came home in 1961; a long time ago.
by Eric (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Yokohama Navy Exchange was where? 2021/8/4 23:12
Hi Carol
I was there at the same time you were.
Also i lived on a hill called Medori Gaoka it was near the Japanese high school. I was a food inspector and worked mostly at Center Pier.
Iwas about 23 at that time.
Lots of good memories. Nice to have you aboard.
by Peter (guest) rate this post as useful

More old Yokohama 2021/8/5 00:45
When the Navy took over, all the Army names went away and Navy names were put in their place.
I especially recall "Nasugbu Beach" elementary school located on one side of the Yo-Hi building. Nasugbu (named in honor of an Army victory in the Philippines) was replaced by Nile C. Kinnick, named for a Navy hero and Iowa Hawkeye footballer. Kinnick remains in Yokosuka, I believe. Kinnick also is the name for the football stadium at the University of Iowa.
by Eric (guest) rate this post as useful

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