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Re: Yokohama Navy Exchange was where? 2022/8/29 21:19
Stayed home and cooked some beef on the grill for lunch.
TV coverage was extensive. We could hear the runs from our house.
by Eric (guest) rate this post as useful

Peter 2022/9/4 11:14
Hey Peter-san, are you okay? I am worried about your heart disease and hope to get feel beter. Is your computer still out of order? Waiting for good postings for you.
by Kaoru (guest) rate this post as useful

Chinese restaurant 2022/9/4 12:52
Hello Honnmokujin,

I'm sure you've been to Mugita-chou's Chinese restaurant, "Kichin", this was opened in 1918 by a cook from Guangzhou. It was in Kominato, Honnmoku at the time. Later moved to Mugita. My dad knew the cook there well so we enjoyed our meal. Many people in Japan like to eat pork bone ramen now, but I rarely eat it because it is high in calories. Kichin's ramen is traditional with soy sauce flavor. I also believe that Americans who once lived in Yokohama city also ate it.

This website is a restaurant Av. D and the nearby Yamate Tunnel, but Japanese.
by Kaoru (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Yokohama Navy Exchange was where? 2022/9/4 23:49
Hi Kaoru and all.
I am still here. I am pretty slow lately with heart problems. Also don't use computer much. I use text for this.
I remember restaurants on Kamnato
One day we went into one for dinner. It had several Americans in there. Everything smelled wonderful. The waitress served them something. I asked." What is that"? She said it was called GYOZA so we ordered some. Where had I been all my life. It was fantastic!!!
I was so thankful that I was in japan. Now one can find it in stores around here. Gyoza is high on the too ten list.
by Peter (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Yokohama Navy Exchange was where? 2022/9/5 00:04
That's top ten list.
by Peter (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Yokohama Navy Exchange was where? 2022/9/5 00:27
Peter-san, welcome back !! My family had Gyoza and some Chinese foods cooked by my wife last night.

by Kaoru (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Yokohama Navy Exchange was where? 2022/9/5 01:18
I tried making Gyoza when I got back from Japan. First few attempts were not so good. Later it got better but I had no reference at that time. Wish I had studied Japanese cooking. My friend Hidumitsu has us out to his family's home, I watched his mother and sister cook in there country kitchen. I wish my Japanese was better. They lived in Satimya. North of Yokohama. He was a good friend and was the travel agent at the base. Spoke very good English with an Australian accent. His family ran a landscaping company. Man could they move large rocks.
by Peter (guest) rate this post as useful

Enoshima Kamakura Hayama 2022/9/20 07:11
Hello Peter, Wally, Honnmokujin-san and all

A very big typhoon is hitting Japan. There is damage everywhere.

These websites are Shounan area, remember them.

Kugenuma beach live cam
by Kaoru (guest) rate this post as useful

Enoshima Iwaya Caves 2022/9/20 07:42
by Kaoru (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Yokohama Navy Exchange was where? 2022/9/21 00:22
Hi kaoru san
I remember the caves! Also the Taya caves in kamakura. Enoshima is probably my favorite place in japan, with fantastic views of fujisan.
Many happy memories!!
I am following the typhoon.
Try and stay dry.
by Peter (guest) rate this post as useful

Caves 2022/9/21 00:39
There were three or four hand-dug caves near our house in Sannotani. They remained from the Pacific war.
One cave was tall enough to stand up in. Another was home to a Japanese family. It had a smoke stack poking out of a metal cover.
Another cave was in Area 2 where an American kid got hurt. The MPs ordered it filled with cement to prevent a reoccurance...
by Eric (guest) rate this post as useful

Caves 2022/9/21 01:54
Hello Peter and Eric-san, I'm glad you have good memories in Japan.

by Kaoru (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Yokohama Navy Exchange was where? 2022/9/21 11:58
Kaoru san
LOVE the live web cam. Thanks..any more ?
Have to admit it's a little creepy looking at people walking on the walkway without knowing there being observed from 10 thousand miles away .
by Peter (guest) rate this post as useful

Web cam 2022/9/21 13:29
Hello Peter and Steffi-san, all

This is Karuizawa, please try:
by Kaoru (guest) rate this post as useful

Another web camera 2022/9/21 15:09
Matsushima, Miyagi prefecture is visited by many tourists. It was severely damaged by the 3/11 Tohoku earthquake. Here you can see the beautiful islands already.
by Kaoru (guest) rate this post as useful

Matsushima 2022/9/22 00:03
We went to sending and matsushima to campus on one of the most beautiful little islands..orchids grew wild. We went with two Japanese guys who were our neighbors We were at sending for the tanabata festival..magic!! Our last night there we stayed in the corner of a hotels ballroom, and..yup we got smached.
Matsushima, matsushima matsushima.
by Peter (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Yokohama Navy Exchange was where? 2022/9/22 00:51
Oops ..more errors on my part.
That would be Sendai and Tanabata, which is the festival of what we would call "star crossed lovers". The streets of Sendai were decorated in millions of brightly colored decorations, enough to dazzle the mind.
When staying on the small island I was treated to an afternoon with an eel fisherman.I will always remember this nice old guy who showed me some eel fishing tricks that used later in life. But more importantly he took me to his house, a small fishing shack He was so full of life and happiness despite the humble living conditions. A lesson learned and appreciated to this day.
by Peter (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Kitchin Ramen 2022/9/23 09:22
I've been to Kitchin in Mugita-cho several times. Great ramen and wonton. A nd appetizers. A hole-in-the wall kind of place; nothing fancy but still very popular. In Chinatown, I like Siaikoh's roast duck and gyoza. Saikoh in Chinese characters means "scent of vegetables but the phonetic meaning is "very best."
Ah, yes. Eric and I have explored the caves of Honmoku. They have been walled up, unfortunately. The restaurant in Honmoku Hara called Tamaya is still there. Around the corner is a new building that houses the Inagawakai Yakuza group. Three Yakuza groups dominate Yokohama: Yamaguchi-gumi, Sumiyoshi-kai and Inagawa-kai. They are allies so things are peaceful.
by Honmokujin (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Yokohama Navy Exchange was where? 2022/9/23 11:51
Hello Peter, Honnmokujin-san, thank you for your answers.

There is a danger that Madness's Bear will push the switch on his attache case. It seems that the leader of Japan's neighboring powers were fed up with his orders and gave up. We believe that radiation exposure must end in Hirosima and Nagasaki. I just want to listen to my favorite music in peace.
by Kaoru (guest) rate this post as useful

Taya Caves and Ofuna Kannon 2022/9/26 07:19
Japan has 3 consecutive holidays of the autumnal equinox. It's a sunny and cool Monday morning in Yokohama, here is around 68F degrees. I think they were posted already. I went to Taya with my wife about 40 years ago. They are movies of the caves and Ofuna Kannon.
Caves and Ofuna Kannon

Best wishes
by Kaoru (guest) rate this post as useful

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