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Abe's speech 2022/10/5 17:34
Former PM Shinzo Abe's G7 summit speech. May 2016. He anticipated the current world turmoil. May the war and epidemic end soon, and peaceful days will come. Let the hegemony by Japan's neighbors go away.
by Kaoru (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Japan has finally opened up 2022/10/8 02:59
Starting Oct. 11, foreigners are allowed to visit Japan if you are fully vaccinated. No need for proof of a recent test for Covid. U.S. visitors are categorized as Blue, along with European countries. No visa requirements. Autumn is a great time for visiting some of the ancient cities there. And the dollar is worth about 140-145 yen. I went this past April and stayed at hotels that I could not afford five years ago. Bargains everywhere. And the typhoon season is over.
by Honmokujin (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Yokohama Navy Exchange was where? 2022/10/9 07:11
Starting Oct. 11, foreigners are allowed to visit Japan if you are fully vaccinated.

No vaccination needed,

U.S. visitors are categorized as Blue, along with European countries.

The categorization into colorful countries will be abolished as of October 11.
by Uji rate this post as useful

Re: Yokohama Navy Exchange was where? 2022/10/12 13:33
A mad bear and a fat boy are trying to push the launch buttons. Is there a leader who can stop them? Is it the God? We've heard too much bad news of their countries and wars, they only give us deep sorrow.
by Kaoru (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Yokohama Navy Exchange was where? 2022/10/13 08:07
Japan needs to build up a self defense force and not rely on the U.S.
by JL Peters (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Yokohama Navy Exchange was where? 2022/10/13 10:00
Peters, thank you for your answer, I agree with your opinion. I often talk with my friend Eric about Japanese national defense. We need stronger armies and weapons. Japan has the money and technology to have them now. There are many enemy countries around here.
by Kaoru (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Yokohama Navy Exchange was where? 2022/10/13 10:26
During World War II, overlooked the real enemies. Generals MacArthur, Patton were aware of them. But Japanese Pearl Harbor attck was a big mistake I guess.
by Kaoru (guest) rate this post as useful

General MacArthur 2022/10/27 00:32
If we had followed General MacArthur's advice, there wouldnt be a NK problem.
by Eric (guest) rate this post as useful

NYC marathon.... 2022/11/7 01:36

Japan just won fifth (Osaka was the runner) and sixth place in the NY City Marathon, which just ended.

They each ran remarkably well, finishing less than 3 seconds behind the Kenyan first place winner, who had also won the Boston marathon.

The temperature her is 67degrees Far, so relatively warm for November.

Regards to everyone.
by Steffi (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Yokohama Navy Exchange was where? 2022/11/10 20:35
Hello Steffi-san,

Nice to hear again, Today's Yokohama is little warm and will be cold here again from next week. How is the snow in NYC's winter? The last time I was there in May and hot, so I quickly bought a short sleeved shirt at the clothing shop. I love lively NY.
And I want to hear Peter-san's Haiku again... I think MD of winter sometimes.

Now the JPY is weak, so many foreigners are coming to Japan. But we are worried about the increase will Omicron in mid Dec.

Stay safe,
by Kaoru (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Yokohama Navy Exchange was where? 2022/11/11 14:42
Sorry I made a mistake,
I think NH's winter and wonderful spring sometimes.
Peter-san probably lives in NH.
by Kaoru (guest) rate this post as useful

Chilly today 2022/11/13 01:05
24 degrees this morning in the Missouri Ozarks.
by Eric (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Chilly today 2022/11/13 04:42
Hey Eric-san,

Wow, 24 degrees !! You probably have a good wood stove.
I think it warms up the rooms a lot. It's 55 degrees in Yokohama this morning. If you are very cold, please live in Yokohama again.
by Kaoru (guest) rate this post as useful

Cold weather 2022/11/14 01:06
Cold temps are no problem with geo-thermal heat system...
by Eric (guest) rate this post as useful

Advanced air conditioning 2022/11/14 01:46
Oops, I forgot about an excellent air conditioning system in your house !!

by Kaoru (guest) rate this post as useful

World Cup soccer 2022/11/29 23:49
I don't watch soccer (except to attend my daughter's matches many years ago) until the World Cup begins every four years. But, again, I am addicted and spend many hours in front of the TV. The Japan-Germany match was amazing. Yesterday's Korea-Ghana match was thrilling. And today, we have Iran-USA! And heavy betting is on. Instead of actual war, soccer could settle scores, Kaoru-san.
by Honmokujin (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Yokohama Navy Exchange was where? 2022/11/30 20:11
Hello Honmokujin-san,

I think the same. It seems the Olympic Games were originally held instead of wars.

Soldiers may also take ugly actions in war. But well trained officers and soldiers will abide by the Geneva Conventions.
I want to believe that !!

Thank you.
by Kaoru (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Yokohama Navy Exchange was where? 2022/12/3 04:04
The Bataan death march is a hideous example of the Geneva conference not being recognized. Many Americans and Phillipines were brutally tortured and murdered by the Japanese soldiers.
by Paul (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Yokohama Navy Exchange was where? 2022/12/3 21:26
Paul, yes we know about bad things well. That was the war crimes. And that's I say it again, The Pacific War was a big mistake for Japan. Should we mention and apologize while there is Japan? Will it end in 300 years? Or 1000 years from now? That war ended in 1945, 77 years ago. I want to talk about peace now and in the future.
by Kaoru (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Yokohama Navy Exchange was where? 2022/12/4 16:31
To: Kaoru

True. And the Allied nations/the West have committed their fair share of atrocities as well, whether within or outside WW2.
by Christian Hirose Romeo Graham rate this post as useful

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