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Some men like hairy arms 2008/1/29 01:59
My husband is south Indian and he told me he finds women's arm hair (forearms, not pits!) sexy. Too bad mine are almost bald.
by sue rate this post as useful

From 2008/1/29 12:03
my experience with my jgf, her arm's skin was So Beautiful! So smoosh and silky..not much hair, really.
by Module rate this post as useful

Permanently get rid of it 2008/5/14 12:48
I think thick arm hair can be unattractive with darker hair types. When I was in the 6th grade I tried shaving my arms and I told my mother about it and she FORBID me to do it regularly because it will grow back thicker and thicker. I'm 21 now and my arm hair is still thicker than I think they should be.
I've suffered from razor burn on my legs. I've tried veet and nair and they are horrible products. I'm thinking about trying nono:
It is expensive but at this point it might be the best form of hair removal.
My grandmother is Japanese and she told me when she came to America she was so confused with how women shaved their legs. I think some Japanese women like her are blessed with little hair growth. Good luck! Don't use nair or veet!
by Kristin rate this post as useful

NO 2008/10/13 22:50
in this area there is a private or "underground" set and a public set (for the most part) I talking with hundreds of men I find the majority either don't care about it either way and a very suprising number of guys are really aroused by girls who have hairy arms-so I would say-don't worry about it at all-the conglomerate "media" is fairly successfully peddleing the idea that ANY hair below the head of a female is just disgusting-they want to make money and promote a certain image-I personally think this is a big load of **** hairy arms to one degree or another-until recently have not been the subject of controversy at all-let it grow!!
by Larry Dawson rate this post as useful

hair and ... 2008/10/14 05:00
What is forgotten in that interesting discussion is that if one only goes to Japan as a tourist for a short period of time, or even as a student for a year, one should NOT worry about arm/legs hair or height /weight etc. or even clothing styles. No need at all to conform to local standards of beauty. The foreign students we have in my home town in Canada (most of them from Asia and South America) are here for 6 months and wear the clothing styles of their own countries, not Canadian ones. The Japanese student girls are strikingly made up and dressed up, but I heard local girls say that, while they admired the Japanese girls extreme stylishness, they just couldn't be bothered spending so much time everyday--and money--to look that good. Our local girls are more the jeans/T-shirt/ sneakers, anywhere, anytime.
by Red frog rate this post as useful

bleaches 2009/2/16 02:49
i have dark hair on my arms! cus im lebanese,armenian,and mexican...with dark hair duh well anyways my mom bought me some sally hassen arm,leg,lip hair bleach and it works idk about ur arm hair but mine grows back within a week but the bleached hairs stay its just new hair growing so its like i only have a little hair on my arms cus you can barely see the hairs i bleached and yea it works! just i suggest not telling ppl that you bleach them cus it sounds weird...
p.s. after you bleach it it kinda takes the color away from your arms but..after a few minutes it comes back a little you just need a little sun and your regular color will be back :) hope this helps
by Michele (guest) rate this post as useful

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