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Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo
2017/5/30 18:48
Just bought one at TSUTAYA at Shibuya crossing below Starbucks : Thank you Timo !!
by Zaer (guest)
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Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo
2017/5/30 18:54
I'm righht here now below Starbucks tsutaya. It's sold out already they told me. How did you get it???
by Cornycow (guest)
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Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo
2017/5/30 20:32
I saw Zaer pick up the last one at TSUTAYA right before my eyes. You re the one with the glasses. Damn im crying right now
by Ihateu (guest)
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Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo
2017/5/30 21:55
@Ihateu I highly doubt you were standing next to Zaer when he/she bought the Nintendo Switch (if it really happened at all). In response to Zaer's post earlier today, we rushed to Tsutaya Shibuya, arrived shortly after 6pm and asked multiple staff members if they had stock - all replied that there was none and there had been none for some time. I think Zaer and others are trolling this forum but I would be happy to stand corrected. Maybe Zaer, you should upload your receipt to twitter, instagram, imageshack etc and provide the link to this forum, or I'm claiming that your purchase never happened and you should stop wasting people's time and trying to support your previous posts using different names such as "Ihateu" on guest accounts - really, it is so pathetically obvious that you two (Zaer and Ihateu) are the same person.
by troll_hunter (guest)
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Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo
2017/5/31 08:03
Oh my I am going to Tokyo on July 27th and I was hoping to buy one. I hope I get lucky... :(
by Luin (guest)
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Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo
2017/5/31 09:05
I had been Tustaya in Akasaka station, beneath the Akasaka BLITZ last night, I had asked a stuff and he answered my with total Japanese so I can't even get one word, but anyway I took that as a no. Keep seeking around today even I don't think I could get any lead....o(MցL )o
by Steven (guest)
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Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo
2017/5/31 10:14
Don't believe the Tsutaya thing either.
There will be a loterry draw at the shibuya BicCamera on Sunday.
I was on Odaiba yesterday, no stock in either ToysRus or Air Bicamera
by Dna (guest)
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Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo
2017/5/31 10:31
To the trolls, picture or no switches bought. Period.
by CornyCow (guest)
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Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo
2017/5/31 11:06
Just out of Bic Camera at Akasaka, out of stock but they have a raffle on 4th June on 8 floor.
by Steven (guest)
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Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo
2017/5/31 12:03
Went to the animate in ikebukuro and picked one up. Price was a little above retail and there's a line... go at your own discretion
by Paprika (guest)
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Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo
2017/5/31 18:35
Ok guys I'm joining the hunt, finally. No good news from me though.
None at Akihabara yesterday (Yodobashi, Softmap) nor in Saitama's Yodobashi or Omiya's BIC Camera.
Any other stores I should be on the lookout for in Tokyo (or Saitama)?
by orison09
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Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo
2017/5/31 18:47
Went to labi in Namba, all sold out. :(
by Curzzies (guest)
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Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo
2017/5/31 20:23
I was at a place, don't remember where, but it was near Tokyo Teleport Station in the same building as Tokyo's Trick Museum. There were many arcade prize games on the same floor where you can win a Nintendo Switch. Most of the games were about 100 yen per try. You guys can go there and try your luck.
by Potato (guest)
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Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo
2017/5/31 22:58
Checked some stores in Namba at around 5pm. Nothing in Joshin, Sofmap, and several smaller shops.
by Kaz (guest)
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Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo
2017/6/1 11:15
Just restocked st akihabara yodobashi!
by Jazzman (guest)
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Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo
2017/6/1 11:21
Any stock at Yodobashi osaka/kyoto ?
by Joey (guest)
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Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo
2017/6/1 14:18
No switch in yodobashi akiabara. Fake news.
by Alelric (guest)
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Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo
2017/6/1 18:22
My Nintendo Store just got restock today (which was completely down four hours). I strongly think Yodobashi akiba will be restocked tomorrow around 3pm, like it was last week. Basically, you should go between 3 and 4pm. Good luck!
by Printemps (guest)
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