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Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo
2017/6/1 20:40
Can anyone confirm Yodobashi in Akihabara restocked on switches last week and will be restocking tomorrow?
by X (guest)
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Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo
2017/6/1 23:13
My local shop confirmed about tomorrow at least. And my coworkers confirmed for last week.
by Printemps (guest)
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Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo
2017/6/1 23:21
My local shop confirmed about tomorrow at least. And my coworkers confirmed for last week.
by Printemps (guest)
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Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo
2017/6/1 23:23
After two weeks hunting, I'm telling you, Friday is your best shot, whatever shop you want to go.
by Printemps (guest)
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Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo
2017/6/1 23:49
Thanks you @Printemps, could u provide more details please? About the name the store you've mentioned and a rough selling time or something?
My plan is : Go to Bic Camera in Aksaka at 10AM after my jogging (though I don't think they will sell it even if they really have it on stock because they planed a raffle on this Sunday.) After that I'll go to LABI and BIC in Shibuya in the afternoon, and go to Youdobashi in Shinjiku if I don't get anything in Shibuya.
I'll keep updating my process and hoping you guys could get it tomorrow.
by Steven (guest)
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Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo
2017/6/1 23:53
Good luck guys. I'm leaving Tokyo tmr, hopefully I will be able to find the switch on my last day here.
by CornyCow (guest)
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Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo
2017/6/2 00:04
I think Biccamera will keep their stock for the raffle.. But Yodobashi should have some, not much though. Last week they started selling at 4pm. And it goes fast... You can try the one in Shinjuku or Akihabara. Maybe softmap as well. I'm pretty sure about Yodobashi, but take it as an advice. My local shop will only have 2 or 3, I'll let you know.
by Printemps (guest)
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Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo
2017/6/2 00:46
Hi , my hotel is close to an Edion store , it seems like Friday is restock day , do you guys think I'll have a better chance waiting for the store to open and asking for one ? It seems like the restock times varies , 4pm being the common one in this thread . Thanks .
by Switchseeker (guest)
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Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo
2017/6/7 18:52
Anyone aware if the stock situation is still bleak in Tokyo? Noticed the last page of this thread got deleted, odd.
by CC (guest)
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Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo
2017/6/8 01:45
Im going to Tokio in september but just read the news of the problems Nintendo is having with switch production and im starting to worry :(
by Razgriz (guest)
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Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo
2017/6/8 13:16
Last I heard/read, it's mostly just available in raffles at big electronics stores. Matter of luck, really.
by Tora (guest)
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Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo
2017/6/8 15:07
Just went in Shinjuku and is all sold out and they make no reservations
by Daniel (guest)
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Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo
2017/6/8 17:02
a note about the raffles. At BIC, you need to get there around 9-10 am and return at noon to pickup
by B (guest)
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Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo
2017/6/8 17:35
I just got a neon for 36,000 new from Mandrake akiba, there's another there and a grey second hand for 32,000. Just FYI :D
by Nap (guest)
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Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo
2017/6/8 20:42
What day and which Bic Camera is having a raffle?
by Fatedwolf (guest)
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Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo
2017/6/9 10:50
The raffle at BIC camera is on June 10. Can't remember all branches but here are the list I can recall - ikebukuro - shibuya - yuurakucho - shinjuku biqulo - yokohama - shin yokohama - omiya - hachioji - fujisawa - tachikawa
by taiko (guest)
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Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo
2017/6/9 16:08
Yes correct. I went toy r us n lambi today in namba. All no stock. Good luck guys
by Zizuo (guest)
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Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo
2017/6/9 16:08
Yes correct. I went toy r us n lambi today in namba. All no stock. Good luck guys
by Zizuo (guest)
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Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo
2017/6/9 16:10
They already had a raffle last week, so if they are having another one this week, I guess this means stock is starting to come in. (Or it is not and they are selling stock bit by bit)
For more info, here is how last raffle was working: - you had to go to the shop between 9:00 and 10:00 to get a bracelet with a unique number. - the queue was in front of the shop. - you would be asked which switch you wanted to play for (I guess this would be a strategic choice. I picked Neon as it was the one I wanted and only thought afterward that more people might be seeking this one and maybe I should have picked black to get more chances. Ended up they had 10 neon and only 5 black to sell. But they didn't tell you before hand) - Results were up from 12:00 and you had up to 16:00 to come and buy your switch if you won. You could see the numbers at the entrance or close of the tills - bracelets had to be intact on your wrist to be valid. I guess they wanted to avoid multi winners who would sell back the consoles for profit - all shops I have seen had 15 units to win (5 black, 10 neon so I guess you had more chances in less popular shops.)
Hope it helps
by Dna (guest)
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Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo
2017/6/9 18:59
Queued at Yodobashi Kyoto for about 2 hours. They had at least 100 in stock, almost everyone in the huge line got one. Not sure if it's the same for the other outlets, but I started queuing around 4pm (already around 60 people in front of me). The staff will say they don't know if there will be stock, but everyone queues anyway.
by OPM (guest)
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