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Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/6/22 17:07
I tried again in a couple of bic cameras and yodabashi, and still nothing. I know very little japanese, so I have a hard time reading and speaking, so I'd like to know if I couple participate the lottery being a foreigner. Anyone has done it? how does it work? Just talk to a person and put a name on the list? How's the process? Thanx guys
by Ian (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/6/22 18:49
When you're at BIC, you line up until you go up the staff at the table. They will ask you what color you want, it's either gray or red/blue. You will only get 1 bracelet. Then come back at the designated time and check the boards if you've won, then go to the "video-game" section and show them your bracelet.
by John (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/6/23 15:06
OMFG, thanks to that guy who talked about yodabashi at 2pm in akihabara. I got my switch. Love you so much .
by BÁCH Hòang phạm (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/6/23 17:59
Has anyone tried signing up for multiple Bic Camera lotteries on the same day? Would you only be able to do one because you need to be at the announcement for winners at 11?
by Yo (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/6/23 20:14
finally got my nintendo switch today at yodobashi, for almost three weeks of very tiring search 💪🏻👍🏻
by kazuyaandjane (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/6/24 15:13
im going to tokyo at 1'st of july, is there any good place to search or any bic or yodobashi in tokyo or osaka?
by koalaaaaaa (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/6/24 15:17
How about the Bic Camera online lottery? How does it work? If I win it, does it mean it has to be shipped?
by Albert (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/6/24 17:27
There are 2 reaming at nakano braodway 4f game shop for 42200 yen
by Victor (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/6/24 20:34
Anyone going to Shinjuku tomorrow for the lottery???
by Kohei (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/6/25 08:01
Does the lottery only let 1 person win and buy the switch or multiple people?
by Jasjaz (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/6/25 14:54
I tried the lottery at shibuya today but I didn't get it. Was anyone here lucky enough? Someone a few numbers before me got it, I wonder if my luck would have changed if I hadn't missed the previous train... Oh well, back to searching.
by goomy (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/6/25 16:13
I was at the bic camera @ shibuya today for the lotto. Didn't get one. After 2 days of roaming shops with my kid, the 42,xxx at Nakano is starting to sound good.
by Game Tourist (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/6/25 17:58
I tried the lottery today at Shibuya too and didn't get it. Considering a Switch is absurdly expensive from where I come from, and the fact that I'm leaving Japan tomorrow, I went to nakano e bought one of the two Switches there (43,200 if anyone is wondering... expensive, but this was my last choice). Well... There's still one there, and btw, it's in the 3F. Good luck to you all.
by Ian (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/6/25 19:36
Victor, I went to Nakano Broadway this afternoon. Didn't see any Game shops on the 4F. The ones on the third floor didnt have it. Must have been closed on Sunday or something.
by Game tourist (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/6/25 23:17
Reached japan yesterday, went tachikawa's bic c this morning got 666 number and won neon, paid 29980yen. Couldn't be happier.

What i see, tachikawa bic c not too crowded, the max winning number was 800++ for neon and 300+ for grey. Which means, about 1200 people queuing for NS, 800 apply for neon and 300 apply for grey but they offered 20 grey and 25 neon. Not sure other places.
by Mond (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/6/26 12:13
i finally got one last saturday at Bic camera near mizonokuchi station. there is only 5 machines and it is a first come first serve. Luckily i was the fifth guy that day.

One possible place to check is Toy-r-us. They got restocked on last friday, but run out quickly.
by taiko (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/6/27 19:34
Any one has any luck this week in Tokyo?
by Kenneth (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/6/27 20:02
I found 4 in a shop for 41,500 yen....
by guy (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/6/27 23:07
I tried looking for Nintendo Switch at Bic in Akasuka Station, out of stock. 3 days left before I leave Japan, any idea where?
by Jean (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/6/27 23:07
I tried looking for Nintendo Switch at Bic in Akasuka Station, out of stock. 3 days left before I leave Japan, any idea where?
by Jean (guest) rate this post as useful

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