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Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/7/13 14:26
Tried BIC Camera website lottery [happened in this wednesday - did not get lucky] . Have been trying in BIC Camera shop lotteries in each weekend for the last 5 weekends , there too failed miserably [nu number was 596-- winning number were 597 and 598]..then tried Dorama shops [there in one in Shibuya and one in Kichioji that i know of ] where in I finally got one at 37800 yen , so took that [calculated numerous to and fro train tickets that i had purchased for the last few weeks this seems to be economical] . Also bought used game cartidges for Arms, Zelda [BOTW] and Mario cart there. They would also share you the shop contact details in case there is no console so that you can call and check availability.

Until Ninento does something with the console production , the huge demand would not get sorted.
by Tima (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/7/13 21:35
@David, @Aladin,
Thanks for the info / links.
Online is definitely the way to go for people based in Japan, or even those in a long trip.
As many proved, going to raffles is a massive waste of time and money.
I am now following @switch_on on twitter and checking the site for predictions. ( Will install the Page Monitor as well )

Nintendo said they would be increasing production this month. We'll see if the situation really improves after Splatoon bundles ship.

by g (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/7/14 02:04
Sorry for the late reply, L. I got mine from Yodobashi Camera/LABI.

Getting in the habit of checking the "ニンテンドースイッチ 入荷" search/tag is a good idea – I was doing that as well. Push notifications on certain accounts, too, like others have said. And I'd say keep on entering lotteries as long as it isn't inconvenient, because why not – the BIC Camera one only takes 5 seconds for them to give you a wristband (in all three of the times I entered, anyway). Amazon also gets stock in from time to time, and it's worth monitoring Reddit or other sites for people to post updates there. Good luck!
by e (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/7/14 09:09
Thanks e! Still on the search though. I prefer to buy in person rather than online, so a lot of driving and trains have been taken! Tried a toys r us this morning and missed out, they only had 10, and people were already lined up at 7 for them. Gonna try a yodobashi when they open, wish me luck...had a friend leaving Hawaii today, coming back to japan after being there a week and could have tried that route, but I was positive I'd be able to get one locally...kinda regretting that decision, lol!
by L (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/7/14 10:29
Yamada denki just put some up in their website. They were gone in 3 minutes... The webpage is still loading here.
There's a lottery happening tomorrow on Bic Camera and Aeon.
by goomy (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/7/15 22:32
I managed to get a Switch today after being in Japan for little over a week.

Coming here I expected that I could go to a random electronic store and buy one but I quickly figured out that it was not the case. After figuring out that I would probably not randomly stumble upon one I looked for getting one online, however without an address here it seemed like Amazon was the only real choice since you can get it delivered to a convenience store. Unfortunately I was too late in figuring this out to get any of the Amazon offers this week.

Instead I decided to try my luck at the lottery this weekend. So, this morning I convinced my girlfriend to go with me to Akiba and try our luck at the Bic Camera lottery, however on the way there we walked passed Sofmap Akiba. They had a short line and we decided to line up there to participate. We both went for the grey model as I thought that was the one where we had the best changes. Afterwards we went to Bic camera hoping to participate there as well. It turned out that was not allowed since we already participated at Sofmap (that is a part of Bic camera). Moreover there was a huge huge crowd at Bic Camera. I later learned that they only had 40 switches in each color to share between all these people

When we came back later to Sofmap we saw that my girlfriends number had been picked, so we were both pretty amazed by that. They had 15 grey and 5 red/neon with 400 participants, so pretty lucky.

I guess the conclusion is that if you want to try your luck with the lottery then avoid Bic Camera and Yodobashi and instead look for the smaller ones.
by Peter (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/7/16 13:21
Went to Yodobashi in Machida today. There were people lining up to get a switch before the opened. I got in line too hoping to get lucky. Right before they opened a guy came out and said they didnt have any for sale today...Wish they said that before I waited 20 minutes lol. There was about 50 people waiting in line for nothing haha.
by Trent (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/7/16 16:47
Did anyone got their switch in Kyoto?
by Bb (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/7/17 16:33
I'm in Tokio until thursday. I haven't found any Switch yet. Anybody knows if is it possible to find the Splatoon pack before leave the country? Or are they very strict with the dates and the won't sell me one on wednesday? For instance.
by Markus (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/7/17 21:05
Anyone know where is the place that sell nintendo switch in tokyo, its okay if the price is above the normal rate ( around 37.000-40000 Jpy)

Since BIC, LABI all sold out

by Ricky (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/7/17 22:16
Hi, I'm in Japan for 3 weeks, and spent the best part of today Switch hunting. Labi, Box, Yodobashi all sold out...

Will I have more luck in Akihabara? I've been in Shinjuku all day.

I'm off to Osaka in 3 days, is it likely to be as impossible to find there?!?

It's killing me to think I could have bought one at home weeks ago but waited to come here to make it more special...sob!
by PhilosopherKing (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/7/17 22:34
I tried to get a Switch in Akihabara today (visiting nearly every store ^^') and unfrotunately it was sold out there, too. The only chance seems to be the lottery as the shop assistants told me.
by Minato (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/7/17 23:18
Saw 2 shops at akihabara yesterday got few units but priced at 44xxx. I also failed during weekends and this morning at yodobashi. Let's hope I didn't go for the pricey option.
by Chris C (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/7/18 00:52
They will not release splatoon set until 21st...
by J (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/7/18 00:54
Anyway if you get the splatoon set the game will be in Japanese. Just so you know.
by J (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/7/18 12:16
@J but you still could set the language and region preference right...? only thing is the game itself might tie to japan server if i not mistaken...? don't think you can swap between english server and japan server...
by Tommy Teh (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/7/18 14:48

from what I see is the Eshop will let you set English if they state there. For the physical copy it might depends.
by J (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/7/18 16:57

I see. Thanks for the confirmation. As i plan to head down Japan end of December 25th hoping to get one set of splatoon theme or normal nintendo switch myself as well... by den i will gather more information before making any purchase.
by Tommy Teh (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/7/19 09:26
This is last National holiday's lottery sale result in Akiba Tokyo, Yodobashi.
The rate still under 1/10 = 10%, very hard.

This crazy long waiting line for getting a lottery sale ticket in Umeda Osaka, Yodobashi on 15 JUL.

Even on rainy day. (Akiba Tokyo, Yodobashi)

This article may be easier to understand.

How many readers could understand the meaning of this?
by Silver Neelsen (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/7/20 04:44

The copy of Splatoon 2 that comes with the Japanese bundle is in Japanese only. Similarly, the NA version only supports English, Spanish, and French. The EU version is the same as the NA version but supports Dutch, Portugese, Italian, and Russian as well, iirc. You can check the listings on the eShop. Pretty sure this is done for Splatfests which use regional matchmaking. A bit disappointing. :(
by e (guest) rate this post as useful

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