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Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/7/20 17:50
Just to make sure: The switch itself coming with the Splatoon 2 bundle can be used in any language available for the normal switch, too, right?
by Minato (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/7/21 02:16
I am here in Tokyo (Shibuya) on vacation until Sunday. I live in New Zealand and managed to get a switch there in April. Reading this thread I realise now how lucky I was! I am looking for games that will play in English. Can anybody tell me where to find them? TIA
by Sarah (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/7/21 10:43

I bought Zelda and Mario Kart and they both work in English. At BIC Camera in Akiba they had some signs next to the games telling about the supported languages.
by Peter (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/7/21 11:03
@peter thank you very much!
by Sarah (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/7/21 11:58
i just went this morning to shinjuku BIQLO with a friend.
it turns out i was able to take off my bracelet! so i went to the bic camera on the east exit (like, one block away) to get another lottery entry.
i had 3 numbers but it was still all in vain, couldnt get it :(
so im aiming for bic camera's net lottery (you need to make an account) and the other lotteries tomorrow morning...
by mica (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/7/21 12:11
Went to the Bic Camera in Sagami Ono today for the lottery. No luck. There were over 800 enteries and only 15 for sale. I was hoping they have atleast 50..Not even close :(
I also tried the amazon prime app sale last night at 10pm, but the site crashed and I wasnt even able to get into the app.
by T (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/7/21 13:21
Yeah, I'm frustrated and ready to give up with my searches...still haven't gotten one. Have a friend going to the states, may have some luck that way. It's a shame the supply is in such bad shape that a major store like Bic only gets 15 units...
by L (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/7/21 15:09
More frustrating is, i was osaka and menage to ask the staff to help me check if there will arrive in a few days. Then i receive a mesage saying there have 1 stock, in that store. But now i am on my way to tokyo. Hopefully have more luck there :(. With the lucky draw also :(
by NN (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/7/21 16:37
Yeah, its really frustrating. I managed to get one in my cart on Yodobashis website earlier today, but the site crashed as I was checking out and it never went through..Its crazy, I thought by the time July came around it would be much easier to get.
by T (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/7/22 01:00
If you are willing to pay 40k, if you walk ard akihabara you would most probably be able to get. If not, just try your luck. There's lucky draw for bic camera tmr
by Kee (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/7/22 11:13
Could you tell me where in Akihabara I may find one? Yesterday I actually wasted the whole day by searching in Akihabara already and my lotto numbers are pretty unlucky :c
by Minato (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/7/22 11:23
When a big store like Bic Yokohama only has 10 consoles, the odds probably aren't in your favor. That was the case today, and needless to say, another Saturday, another Nintendo Switch loss for me...depressing
by L (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/7/22 13:45
Another loss this weekend on both lottery and online as well. Went to a Dorama shop near Shibuya just now and they're selling 50k... Speechless.
by Chris C (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/7/22 17:33
I swung by the Bic camera in Sagami Ono again since I was in the area. They were selling only 10 grey and 10 of the neon switches. Once again, no luck. Atleast they post the results on twitter, so you dont have to stick around and wait. If by some chance you do end up winning, you can just go back before 3pm and get your switch.
Does anyone know if there are going to be any lotteries going on Sunday?
by T (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/7/23 08:56
I just went to Tokyo yesterday I canft find a single store that sells switchs under 43K.☹
by Ivan (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/7/23 11:13
Can you please tell me also where you found them? Tried at Dorama near Shibuya yesterday evening but it was sold out already..
by Kamui (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/7/24 12:23
Hi Kamui.
I think your best shot would be at Akihabara area. Found 1 shop selling 46-47k on Saturday. You just have to look for those which sells used games/consoles.
by Chris C (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/7/25 15:48
Walking around Akihabara today, I could find a couple of shops selling Nintendo Switches. Prices were around 50k, or 45-48k if you're lucky...
by bart (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/7/26 18:57
I have been trying the online route this week. I turned on notifications on twitter to know right when they go up for sale. Yodobashi, Rakuten, Toysrus, Nojima, and Amazon. I have managed to put one in my cart on all those sites, but the servers always end up crashing before the purchase can be completed. Its really frustrating. I kind of just wish I bought one on Amazon when they were 40000 yen lol. Hopefully its a bit easier next month..
by T (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/7/27 11:58
im trying the online route as well and have the same problem, i can put them on my cart and then its gone forever.
i guess i'll keep doing this until i get tired. i only started going to lotteries last week so i'll keep doing that as well.
im very hyped for splatoon 2 and cant stop thinking about it (its such a great game!) but i refuse to buy overpriced switches to resellers, i'll wait until christmas if i have to.
by mica (guest) rate this post as useful

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