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HELP! 2017/7/28 07:36
Hi friends,
I'm going to Japan in the end of September for two weeks. I really hope that till there the sales are normalized.
I have an address to send prior to my arrival.
Does anybody can help me, putting here the addresses online for the available lotteries or some websites that I can purchase in advance online?

Thank you all for your kind help!!!
by Stefan (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/7/28 11:34
There is another sale on next sunday:

Does anyone have suggestions for which store to try to get the biggest chance? Basically: number of Switch consoles received divided by the number of people queueing. :D
by bart (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/7/28 14:33
I finally managed to get one on Amazon earlier today!(at the normal price) Although it wont arrive until August 8th, Im just happy to have finally been able to get one.
For people trying to get one online instead of lotteries, I think Amazon is the best bet. Most of the other sites have really bad servers that always end up crashing. Make sure your already logged in, and use twitter to know when they go up for sale. @net_syohin is a good account to follow for finding out about lotteries and online sales.

by T (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/7/29 19:09
Going to Shinjuku west Bic for the lotery, wish me luck
by Roy (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/7/29 22:25
I gave up on Japan (despite visiting Nintendo HQ in Osaka - I had to!) & asked a friend in the UK to pick one up for me... Only to find it's sold out there too!!!!

In Brunei it's massively marked up - $570B, or £315, so over \43000. But it seemed like the only way to get one...

However, I just hit back to Tokyo from 9 great days in Osaka - Denden Town may be smaller than Akihabara, but man it's better for Transformers!

For the first 8 days there was no sign of Switch - Sofmap lottery & that's all. But yesterday I had a final visit & popped into Deveices(?!?!) and forlornely asked if they had any... AND THEY DID!!! Grabbed a grey with Zelda. Plus got 5% off for paying on card!!!

Whole lot was \34000 - that's £243. In the UK the console is £280 & games £50, so it's an amazing saving!

Played on it all the way from Osaka to here. Yay!!!

by PhilosopherKing rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/7/30 00:04
^ Nice, man! Never heard of that store before.

Friday I had a gut feeling shops would be receiving another shipment of Switches so I went out hunting. After checking a couple of shops I ended up at Yodobashi Shinjuku East, where a line had formed. Unfortunately, I was not quick enough: the person 5 spots in front of me got the last one.

Pretty bummed out I decided to go to Akihabara, where I visited the Yodobashi. Apparently, they received a TON of Switches and there was a huge line. After waiting 1 and a half hours I could get my hands on one (Splatoon 2 bundle).
by bart (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/7/30 00:28
Hi guys! What time do we have to arrive to participate on the lottery?
by Marcelo (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/7/30 11:18
Thats awesome! Congrats!
Yodobashi in Machida had 100 splatoon sets in stock (no lottery). Before they would only get 5 or 10 in stock at a time, so its good to see that finally stores are getting more in stock. Hopefully soon people will stop trying to buy, and re sell them at a ridiculous price.
by T (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/7/31 10:44
my friend is actually selling a splatoon bundle freshly bought yesterday for 43000 yen, rfs his girlfriend already bought him a switch supposedly a surprise birthday gift thanks
by nsw (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/8/1 10:19
I just got back from Yodobashi Camera in Akihabata. I got there at 925am, fell in line, waited 20 minutes and got my Switch. They only had a few more when I left the store.

If you're visiting Japan and want to buy one, don't forget your passport!
by Rob (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/8/1 13:41
i finally got mine last sunday, i woke up early and went to the ikebukuro yamada denki lottery, after that i went to the one at biqlo in shinjuku, and then anohter one at bic camera on the west exit of shinjuku station.
I got it at biqlo!! i got carried away and bought the splatoon pro controller AND the splatoon joycons lol still cant believe it!!!!!!! : )
but im super happy that the switch stock situation is starting to stabilize, i'll be hoping for all of you to get one as soon as possible
by mica (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/8/3 07:36
I'll be in Tokyo (Narita) on saturday a week from now for 24 hours. Do you guys think I will be able to find one by then? Are stocks really getting to a normal level?
by Bas van den berg (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/8/3 09:26
There are still consider limited stocks unless you're willing to buy at 45-46k. Think the prices started to drop, last week from Amazon it was 50k the highest, now 45-47k we're able to get it. Hope this continues so no more resell price in coming future.
by Chris C (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/8/4 08:38
I'll be leaving Kyoyo by 29th August and really hope to get one before leaving. So I should go for Amazon, shouldn't I guys?
by Ajisai (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/8/5 19:16
Nintendo HQ is in Kyoto, not Osaka.
by grb (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/8/6 09:15
I was in the line of the yurakuchou bic camera for the lottery this morning. They received 300 switches, but there was about 3000 on the line.
I wonder if it was better in the other shops
by Richard (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/8/6 13:20
I'm the lucky one today at Yurakucho big camera... My last week in Japan as well. After few loses both online and offline couple weeks ago, I got to say it feels great to grab a retail unit!
by Chris C (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/8/6 15:49
My wife and I went to yodobashi machida yesterday... They said they didnt have any during the morning, but they have been saying that all week then selling them by surprise during the afternoon.
We waited for a while, but there were too many people, and we were getting tired, so we gave up. We went grocery shopping at Aeon, and just for the hell of it we went to the electronics section there just to check.. They were selling the Splatoon 2 bundle and no one was even waiting. We just walked in, took the box to the register, and bought it..It was almost too easy.. I think everyone is so caught up going to yodobashi or bic camera, they forget to check the smaller shops.
by James (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/8/6 17:15
Does anyone know how many did they receive per shop this weekend?
by Marc (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying Nintendo Switch in Tokyo 2017/8/7 11:52
@marc: 100 at sofmap akihabara, 200? 300? At sofmap bic camera (can't remember exact numbers sorry;;)

Seems like sofmap had around 800 people in its lottery, bic camera 2000.

Does anyone know anywhere that's selling a switch for not ridiculous prices? I won't be here for the next lottery so :( the max I'd pay would probably be 40,000\
by N6mmie rate this post as useful

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