
How to travel between Okuhida and Takayama

Nohi Bus operates hourly buses between Takayama and Shin-Hotaka Ropeway, the last stop at the far end of Okuhida. The buses stop at Hirayu Onsen and the other onsen towns along the way. The one way trip between Takayama and Hirayu Onsen takes about one hour and costs 1600 yen, while travelling from Takayama to the Shin-Hotaka Ropeway takes about 90 minutes and costs 2200 yen.

The "Takayama & Shin-Hotaka 2-Day Free Pass" provides unlimited use of Nohi Buses between Takayama, Hirayu Onsen and Shin-Hotaka Onsen on two consecutive calendar days for 4190 yen.

Above fees and schedules are subject to change. Be sure to check current yen exchange rates.

Getting around

Okuhida is comprised of five onsen towns along a valley: Hirayu Onsen, Fukuji Onsen, Shin-Hirayu Onsen, Tochio Onsen and Shin-Hotaka Onsen. Hirayu Onsen, the largest of these towns and the regional transportation hub, lies along the national route that connects Takayama with Matsumoto.

Public transportation within Okuhida is provided by buses that run from Takayama to Hirayu and then serve all the other hot spring towns along the valley. Buses depart hourly from Takayama and stop at Hirayu Onsen (60 minutes, 1600 yen), Fukuji Onsen (70 minutes, 1840 yen), Shin-Hirayu Onsen (75 minutes, 1850 yen) and Tochio Onsen (80 minutes, 1930 yen) before terminating at Shin-Hotaka Ropeway (90 minutes, 2200 yen) at the far end of Shin-Hotaka Onsen.

Passes and Tickets

Various free passes are offered to visitors to Okuhida for unlimited use of buses along specified routes:

  • Takayama & Shin-Hotaka 2-Day Free Pass (4,190 yen)
    Unlimited use of Nohi Buses between Takayama, Hirayu Onsen and Shin-Hotaka Onsen on two consecutive calendar days. Sold at the Takayama Bus Center.
  • Okuhida Onsen 2-Day Free Pass (1,570 yen)
    Unlimited use of Nohi Buses between Hirayu Onsen and Shin-Hotaka Onsen on two consecutive calendar days. Sold at the Hirayu Bus Terminal.
  • Alps Wide Free Passport (11,000 yen)
    Unlimited use of most buses around Takayama, Gero, Shirakawago, Okuhida, Kamikochi and Matsumoto on four consecutive calendar days.

Alternatively, rental cars are a convenient option for exploring the Okuhida region, but there is a risk of encountering snow on the roads during the winter months. Rental car outlets can be found in Takayama and Matsumoto.