
How to travel between Kumano and Kyoto

By train

Most train connections between Kyoto and the Kumano region require a transfer at Shin-Osaka Station (30 minutes by rapid train or 15 minues by shinkansen from Kyoto) except for a single direct train per day. The one way ride from Kyoto to Kii-Tanabe or Shirahama takes about three hours, costs around 7000 yen and is covered by the Japan Rail Pass and JR Kansai Wide Area Pass. The latter is a particularly good offer for a side trip from Kyoto to the Kumano Region.

By highway bus

There are no direct buses between Kyoto and Shirahama, but several of them depart from nearby Osaka:
  - How to travel between Kyoto and Osaka
  - How to travel between Osaka and Kumano

By local buses through the mountains (no service on weekdays and in winter)

This time consuming approach leads via Osaka and Koyasan. Buses do not operate along the entire route on weekdays and from December through March:
  - How to travel between Kyoto and Koyasan
  - How to travel between Koyasan and Kumano

Above fees and schedules are subject to change. Be sure to check current yen exchange rates.

Getting around

The sights of Kumano are spread over a wide area around the southern tip of the Kii Peninsula. Distances and travel times in between them are considerable, not at last due to the absence of high speed trains and because many sections of the regional expressway are still in the construction or planning stages.

Trains run only along the coast and connect all coastal towns and cities with each other, including Tanabe, Shirahama, Kushimoto, Katsuura, Shingu and Kumano City. Buses complement the coastal train line by providing connections from the train stations to inland attractions, such as the Hongu and Nachi Shrines.

Despite the presence of a relatively convenient public transportation network, a rental car can be more convenient for getting around the Kumano area. Rental car outlets can be around Shirahama, Kii-Tanabe Station, Kushimoto Station, Kii-Katsuura Station and Shingu Station.