
How to travel between the Kiso Valley and Osaka

Take the JR Tokaido Shinkansen from Osaka to Nagoya (50 minutes) and transfer to the JR Shinano limited express train for access into the Kiso Valley. The Japan Rail Pass fully covers the entire journey if using a Hikari or Kodama train between Osaka and Nagoya (a supplement fee is required on Nozomi trains).

To access Magome, take the JR Shinano limited express from Nagoya to Nakatsugawa Station (50 minutes). The entire journey from Osaka to Nakatsugawa takes about two hours and costs around 9,000 yen one way. From Nakatsugawa, Magome can be reached in a 30 minute bus ride (570 yen one way, not covered by the Japan Rail Pass, see timetable).

To access Tsumago, get off at Nagiso Station. Some limited express trains stop at Nagiso Station, but most do not, in which case you should transfer to a local train at Nakatsugawa Station. The entire journey from Osaka to Nagiso takes about two hours and costs around 9,000 yen one way. From Nagiso, Tsumago can be reached in a short taxi (about 2000 yen one way) or bus ride (300 yen one way, not covered by the Japan Rail Pass, see timetable).

To access Narai, take the Shinano limited express train from Nagoya to Kiso-Fukushima Station (85 minutes) and transfer to a local train to Narai Station (20 minutes). The entire trip from Osaka to Narai takes about three hours and costs around 10,000 yen one way.

Above fees and schedules are subject to change. Be sure to check current yen exchange rates.

Getting around

All the post towns of the Kiso Valley are located within easy reach of the JR Chuo Line, and can be visited relatively conveniently by public transportation. Please refer to each post town's information page for more details on access and orientation:

Magome and Tsumago are located less than ten kilometers from each other and are the most popular destinations in the Kiso Valley. A popular hiking trail, which follows the former Nakasendo route, connects the two towns. Alternatively, they are connected with each other by infrequent direct buses (see timetable).

A visit to the Kiso Valley is possible as a side trip from Nagoya or even Kyoto. It can also be visited along a journey between Tokyo and Kyoto/Osaka as an alternative to taking the Tokaido Shinkansen. While the main attractions of the Kiso Valley can be seen in a single day, we recommend to include an overnight stay at one of the post towns' minshuku or ryokan.