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Staying overnight in Narita airport? 2024/4/24 11:11
Hi! Ifm budget travelling with two other friends later this year, and was wondering how possible it is to stay the last night of our trip in the Narita airport, instead of booking a hotel? Our flight is at 8am and from the options I can see, itfs seeming to be difficult to get out there from Tokyo inner areas at a reasonable time. Would love to know!
by Charlotte (guest)  

Re: Staying overnight in Narita airport? 2024/4/24 13:13
Basically you can stay overnight in Narita airport

Narita Airport Official site


Sleeping in Airport


Hope this helps.
by frog1954 rate this post as useful

Re: Staying overnight in Narita airport? 2024/4/28 19:39
There is an Airport Bus from Tokyo central station to Narita that departs at around 5 am and arrives at 6 am. Plenty of time for an 8 am Flight. Trains within Tokyo start running at around 4:30 am.

If you insist on staying overnight at the Airport: There is a "9 hours" hotel (it's a modern capsule hotel) inside the Airport.
by realadry rate this post as useful

Re: Staying overnight in Narita airport? 2024/4/29 12:33
No problem staying/sleeping at Narita

Have done it and if it saves money and you're not focused on sleep it'll be fine. Lawson or 7/11 konbini is your friend - some great food and of course chu-hais (if you want) for the same price as a normal, non-airport places.
In the morning there are food places open early for breakfast

it's super safe if traveling solo. Left my bags where I was seated/lying down when i needed a toilet stop and a trip to the Konbini. No one blinked an eye and everything was untouched when i came back
by IamCornholio rate this post as useful

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