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Very short hairstyles for women 2011/5/15 13:22
I am going to Japan to teach English as a foreign language this fall. I usually wear my hair very very short (almost shaved, but it covers my scalp and lays flat on my head), but have been growing it out on the suggestion from a friend that the Japanese will find me more feminine with longer hair (at least chin-length). Even with short hair, I am a really girly girl, I just find it easier to manage and better for me. Do you think I would look less professional if I cut my hair short? Would people think it was weird or not feminine? I am interested in settling down in Japan once I get a job there, so I would like to be able to make friends and maybe someone special... I don't know, what do you think?


P.S. Here's a photo of me with my short hair:
by Eggsovereasy (guest)  

. 2011/5/15 19:40
If you want to "fit in" then it's probably just a bit too short. Japanese teen girls at middle school tend to have hair maybe a couple of inches long, so you could probably grow it a little bit but not too long to "fit in." Alternatively you could be a cultural and foreign ambassador and not worry about fitting in and just be yourself. People will tend to respect this more.
by Hmm (guest) rate this post as useful

... 2011/5/15 22:28
Judging from the picture, your hair might be deemed "too" short...but then again, if you've already got the job (& they must've seen your picture with your resume) then it should be fine...

BTW, students will make all kinds of comments anyway. I'm an English teacher, too, & students basically say whatever they want.

If you want to look more "feminine," though, I suggest that you grow your hair out a little bit more before you come to Japan. Good luck :)
by Hello (guest) rate this post as useful

. 2011/5/16 01:30

The "Cecile Cut" hairstyle has always been considered popular and feminine here in Japan ever since Jean Seberg starred in "Bonjour tristesse."

A friend of mine has her hair just like you. She is a former public junior high school principal, and now works as a councelor at the local board of education. It's also a typical hairstyle for teenage female athletes to wear.

By the way, I haven't had my hair as long as chin-length for ages, because my mom-friend here says I should keep it this way and my male hairdresser agrees.

Hope this answers your question.
by Uco (guest) rate this post as useful

lilu 2011/5/16 07:49
It's not a problem! You are lucky to be one of the few who can pull of such a cute short hairstyle. :)
by butabakamuchi rate this post as useful

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